Album review: Gorguts - From Wisdom to Hate (Olympic Recordings, 2001)
Technical/ experimental Death Metal

Gorgut’s fourth and (until their recent reunion) final album, 2001’s
“From Wisdom to Hate”, is one that I have long meant to acquire and hear
in full for some time now, only managing this very recently. The album
seems to be the black sheep of the Gorguts discography, being quite
unfairly underrated by some in my view. Boasting some crushing
production values, and with songwriting resembling something like a
compromise between the overt headfuck of 98’s “Obscura” and their
classic first pair of albums, FWTH is not a piece that should be ignored
by any Gorguts fiend. It is of course not hard to compare this to
“Obscura” (one of the most polarizing releases in all of Death Metal)
and perhaps find it lacklustre by comparison. Whereas its predecessor
presented an all out demented assault on the senses, the sonic barrage
of From Wisdom... is arguably more refined and focused here to its own
advantage, the album is a lot more “accessible” (an entirely relative
term here, of course) in comparison but there are no shortage of wierd
and interesting riffs to satisfy the “Obscura” freaks. Indeed, the
opening riff of first track “Inverted” has to be one of the most bizarre
riffs I’ve ever heard, utilizing the “pick scrape” technique to jarring
effect alongside a pounding blastbeat (that snare sound...!!!). There
are also a lot more mid paced grooves and very doom-like passages,
notably in the title track and “The Quest for Equilibrium”.Musicianship
wise, Luc Lemay is as brilliant as ever, this time supported by Daniel
Mongrain of fellow Canadian tech-metallers Martyr. Although he is no
Steeve Hurdle he is a more than adequate replacement although I’m not
always sure which one of them is playing which riff or lead so it is a
little hard to tell. Steve Cloutier’s bass is mixed somewhat low
compared to the previous album, a sinister rumbling underneath the
guitars occasionally punctuated by more audible passages and chords.
Steve McDonald provides an impressive and varied drum performance, were
it not for his unfortunate suicide sometime after the release of the
album (the cause of the first breakup of the band) I wonder how many
other albums Gorguts might have created in the 10+ years between this
and their long awaited follow up, coming “sometime this year”. This
album was recently reissued on CD in 2010 and vinyl in 2011 by killer
Canadian label War On Music (who have also re-released “Obscura” and the
first two essential Cryptopsy albums and demo on vinyl), thankfully as
it had become a little hard to get hold of (a CD reissue of the even
harder to find “Obscura” is yet to see the light, but is coming
apparently) so now there is little excuse not to own this prime slice of
inventive Death Metal from the masters. I am eagerly awaiting the
follow up (featuring an all new lineup) and hopefully it will be the
devastating masterpiece that it promises to be.
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